Rescue | Rehab | Release (520) 290-9453


Patient of the Week: Ring-neck Duck

This waterfowl came to Tucson Wildlife Center after being found near the Pima County Wastewater Plant. He was reported to have potentially been attacked by an avian predator. On arrival,…

Patient of the Week: Desert Cottontail

With 2021 over, it’s only right to highlight one of Tucson Wildlife Center’s favorite and frequent species as this Desert Cottontail is looking amazing! Admitted to the hospital after being…

Patient of the Week: Gila Monster

This Gila Monster came to Tucson Wildlife Center after being found caught in a snap trap. Upon arrival to TWC, her right front limb was severely swollen. After taking x-rays,…

Patient of the Week: Raccoons

This holiday season, these young raccoons are sticking together as a family. Upon arrival to Tucson Wildlife Center, it was determined they were orphaned as they were cold, dehydrated, and…

Patient of the Week: Grandpa and Wilma

Thanks to all of the donations of pumpkins and other items from the Tucson community, our Tucson Wildlife Center staff were able to serve many of our animals’ special meals…

Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday is almost here. It is on Tuesday, November 30th. Why is Giving Tuesday important to us? Tucson Wildlife Center is open 24/7/365 days a year. For us to…

Patient of the Week: Desert Mud Turtle

In the Sonoran Desert, it’s a rare sight to see certain native species as we’re so accustomed to a dry and harsh climate. However, this previous monsoon season offered many…

Happy Thanksgiving!

From the staff, volunteers, and sanctuary animals from Tucson Wildlife Center

Giving Tuesday

Save the Date! Giving Tuesday is Nov. 30, 2021. What is Giving Tuesday? Recognized around the world, it is the International Day of Generosity. What are ways you can help?…

Patient of the Week: Common Poorwill

This Common Poorwill was brought into Tucson Wildlife Center after being spotted on the ground and unable to fly away. It’s common to find poorwills and birds similar to them…

National Veterinary Technician week

THANK YOU TO OUR WONDERFUL VET TECHS! It is National Veterinary Technician week and all of us at Tucson Wildlife Center are so grateful for our three veterinary technicians on…

Patient of the Week: Harris’s Hawk

This Harris’s Hawk was found after falling into a citizen’s pool and exhibiting a lack of motor function. Upon being presented to Tucson Wildlife Center, our staff found the reason…

Sharing an Endorsement

Tucson Wildlife Center receives help in so many ways, like in donations, both monetary and in-kind donations.  But another way that we receive help is by word of mouth and…

Tucson Classics Car Show Raffle

The 2021 Tucson Classis Car Show (TCCS) is happening on Saturday October 16, 2021.  Raffle tickets are being sold in which you can win the grand prize of a brand-new…

Patient of the Week: Common Raven

At Tucson Wildlife Center (TWC), one of the most common causes for admission is when birds fly into windows. There are ways to combat this problem such as putting screens…

Patient of the Week: Arizona Grey Squirrel

This cute Arizona Grey Squirrel came to Tucson Wildlife Center down from Ramsey Canyon in Hereford, AZ. This patient was presented to TWC as cold, dehydrated, and orphaned.  After being…

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