All of us at Tucson Wildlife Center want to thank everyone for participating in Arizona Gives. It means a lot to us and we wouldn’t be here without you.
This week, Tucson Wildlife Center would like to celebrate our two amazing sanctuary Great-Horned Owls, Bubba and Otto. Both owls had injuries that were rehabilitated but, unfortunately, healed in a way that meant they couldn’t fly silently in order to catch food. Due to this, they would not survive in the wild and TWC was able to provide sanctuary to them. Otto shown in the second photo has been at TWC since 2008 making him 13 years old. The best way to describe Otto would be spicy as, no matter who he’s around, he always makes sure everyone knows who’s boss. Shown in the third photo, Bubba is quite the opposite as he’s always cool, calm, and collected. Bubba is the oldest sanctuary animal at TWC as he will be turning 21 years old in May! TWC has the privilege to give these Great-Horned Owls a second chance at life along with the rest of our Sonoran Desert wildlife. We couldn’t do it without the support of the community and our donors. Thank you to all who volunteer, donate, care for, and support our wildlife!
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