Rescue | Rehab | Release (520) 290-9453


Patient of the Week: 05/17/24

Raven Nestling Recently, this raven nestling had an unfortunate fall from its nest. Thankfully, concerned residents called Tucson Wildlife Center for advice and a member of our wildlife care team…

Patient of the Week/Release Radar: 05/10/24

Patient of the Week/Release Radar Pied-billed Grebe This video shows one excited pied-billed grebe happily swimming away after successfully being released back into the wild. Found trapped in a swimming…

Patient of the Week: 05/03/24

Pallid Bat Found on the ground, unable to fly, this beautiful pallid bat was brought to Tucson Wildlife Center for care. An exam by our wildlife care team revealed bruising…

Patient of the Week: 04/19/24

Happy Earth Day 2024! Monday, April 22nd,  will mark the 54th anniversary of Earth Day, celebrating the preservation of the earth’s natural resources and wild beauty for future generations. This…

Patient of the Week: 04/12/24

UPDATE: Renesting of Great Horned Owlets Last week a team of wildlife care specialists from Tucson Wildlife Center renested two healthy great horned owl babies (owlets). Along with updates from…

Arizona Gives Day 2024

April 2, 2024 Arizona Gives Day is tomorrow, April 2 But you can start donating today! What is Arizona Gives Day? This is where you can help make a difference…

Patient of the Week: 01/19/24

Mexican Free-tailed Bats These two Mexican free-tailed bats have been warming up this week at Tucson Wildlife Center. Plummeting temperatures during the second week of January caused these winged mammals…

Patient of the Week: 01/12/24

Verdin This verdin, with distinctive yellow plumage, found himself in a sticky situation … trapped in grape jelly meant to attract larger birds such as orioles. Luckily for him, he…

Patient of the Week: 01/05/24

Muscovy Duck Every year, Tucson Wildlife Center admits quite a few wildlife patients with injuries due to entrapment in, or ingestion of, fishing tackle. The latest was this curious Muscovy…

Patient of the Week: 12/15/23

Turkey Vulture Tucson Wildlife Center’s care team has been treating a turkey vulture for lead poisoning. Most likely, it began when he ate a dead animal that had been shot…

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