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Tucson’s Extreme Heat Affecting Baby Wildlife

As summer heats up in Tucson, the rising temperatures are causing trouble for a lot of our wildlife, especially the babies. Phones at Tucson Wildlife Center have been ringing off the hooks with people concerned about animals in the heat. Many of those calls have been about Cooper’s hawk fledglings.

Cooper’s hawks typically build their nests high in the trees, often with little shade. During the last week, high temperatures have caused many juvenile hawks to bail out of their nests a little earlier than usual. These young fledglings, which are just starting to grow their feathers and have not yet learned to fly, can fall around 40 feet from the top of their trees.

Most make the fall just fine, and mom and dad are usually close by keeping an eye on them. If the fledgling can stand on both legs, with no drooping wing, and no swelling around the eyes and beak area which can indicate an infection, it is probably okay and should be left alone. The biggest concerns would be a broken leg, wing, or infection. If they are not standing, or look lethargic, please call us so we can advise you on the next steps. Shade and water are always helpful.

For more information on what to do if you find a baby bird on the ground, check out TWC’s guide on our website, (I found a bird on the ground, what do I do?)

If you would like to help patients like these Cooper’s hawks, click the donate button below.

Another way you can contribute is to visit our “wish list” on Amazon by clicking on the Amazon Wish List button below. We appreciate it, as will all the wild animals in our care!

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