Wildlife Babies
Baby bobcats, coyotes, and javelina, oh my! Tucson Wildlife Center is currently seeing an increase in calls for stressed but healthy baby wild animals. People often think that any young animal they see alone must be lost or abandoned, but usually, that is not the case. For many wildlife species, it is completely normal for mothers to leave their young for extended periods during the day while they gather food. Mom will pick a spot that she thinks is safe, and the babies know to stay there. If they happen to wander, mom will find them. Even young birds discovered on the ground are usually fine. Many fledglings spend several days on the ground before they can fly, while parents continue to take care of them.
Additionally, many wildlife babies such as bobcat kittens and coyote pups can be mistaken for domestic cats and dogs. Please refrain from touching any animal found alone. Sadly, if the baby turns out to be a wild animal and the finder is bitten or scratched, the baby may have to be euthanized to test for rabies. For tips on how to determine if a rescue is warranted, visit our website at https://tucsonwildlife.com/rescue-faq/. If you find a baby animal in an unsafe location or if it appears sick or injured, call TWC for advice before intervening. Taking photos and making notes about what you are observing will help us determine the next steps.
If you would like to help patients like these wildlife babies, click the donate button below.
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