Some animals come to the Center in need of medical treatment, but we may not know what caused their injuries. But no matter the reason, we are happy to be here for wildlife in need.
This ruddy duck was found outside of a home suffering from a spinal injury that prevented him from walking properly. He also had lost his waterproofing from being on dry land for an extended period and from being unable to preen his feathers due to significant injuries to his bill and tongue.
The duck needed a specialized diet, so he had to be tube-fed multiple times a day. He also needed pain medication and antibiotics to fight infection. Fortunately, this lucky duck showed steady improvement and was soon introduced to a kiddie pool in a TWC recovery room where he could swim for short periods each day. These sessions helped his body create the waterproofing his feathers needed while getting much-needed physical therapy.
He was able to be released just as his bill was starting to change color to blue (2nd picture), indicating he was entering into his “breeding plumage.” Breeding male ruddy ducks have a bright blue bill.
Watch the release here! : Ruddy Duck Release
Support Tucson Wildlife Center on Arizona Gives Day, April 7th!
Tucson Wildlife Center took in 4,060 sick, injured and orphaned animals last year. On average, it costs more than $1,200 a day to run our wildlife hospital.
Tucson Wildlife Center is 100 percent funded by donations from people like YOU. Help us raise extra funds for thousands of wild animals in need of help by donating on AZ Gives Day. You can schedule your gift in advance or donate on April 7th at www.azgives.org/tucsonwildlife.