[Sound on for Video below text]
These juvenile Ravens are among many young birds, of varying species, arriving at Tucson Wildlife Center this summer emaciated, and in most cases, suffering from injuries. The long-term drought is testing many bird species’ ability to survive in hotter and drier conditions.
Nestlings and fledglings such as these young ravens will sometimes leave an overly hot nest in a tree earlier than usual before they have grown all their feathers and learned to fly. Usually, the parents are nearby, hunting for food and keeping watch, but drought conditions can make it hard for parents to find enough food to feed themselves and their chicks. And most fledglings, even if uninjured from the fall, are too young and inexperienced to survive on their own.
Since arriving at TWC, these young birds have gained weight, grown more feathers, and are starting to learn to fly. And, as you can hear in the video, they are becoming quite chatty with other ravens in neighboring enclosures. Once these beautiful birds gain all the skills needed to survive on their own, they will be released back to the wild.
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