At Tucson Wildlife Center, we rehabilitate owls of all kinds such as Great-horned Owls and Western Screech Owls which are the most common patients we see. On the flip side, TWC has also helped out species such as Elf Owls, Burrowing Owls, and other lesser seen species of the family. This beautiful Barn Owl sits in between these two categories. While Barn Owls are still rare occurrences to come to the center, this type of owl can be found all over the state of Arizona. In the case of this owl, she was found along the side of the road after a suspected collision with a car. Thankfully, she was checked out at TWC and no fractures were found but still stunned from collision. When she arrived, our staff noticed that she had a tapeworm alongside her and treated her for any issues possibly related to the parasite. Now alert and defensive, she is looking great and we hope to release her back to her territory soon!
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