With their unique heart-shaped faces, these four Barn Owl fledglings recently stole the show at the Mescal Movie Set near Benson. One of the most recognizable western cinematic towns on the big screen, these siblings were found in the movie set hotel that is being remodeled. After a week of observation, and seeing no signs of the owl’s parents, they were brought to Tucson Wildlife Center since they were still too young to thrive on their own.
In the video, the owls are exhibiting a defensive behavior called toe dusting, where they lower their heads and swish back and forth. This wild behavior is exactly how they should act when approached by humans. They are living in a large outdoor enclosure with TWC’s resident barn owls, Nono and Valentine, who serve as foster parents for orphaned baby barn owls. Under their care, the young owls will explore their natural behaviors and learn more skills they will need to survive in the wild. Growing up with owls as foster parents ensure they will maintain their wild nature.
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A video is below the two pictures!