Baby Javelina
This baby Javelina was brought to Tucson Wildlife Center after being discovered alone, with no herd in sight for over 24 hours. A health assessment by our wildlife care team determined she was in good health except for being stuck with a few cactus needles. TWC volunteers and staff fed her a special formula from a syringe, then prepared a soft bed with a heating pad and gave her a stuffed animal (snuggle puppy) equipped with a battery-operated heartbeat for comfort. It wasn’t long before she snuggled up to the puppy and fell asleep. We searched for the orphaned baby’s herd night and day.
A few days later, this little peccary was energetically playing with her toys and eating on her own. She will be in good care here at TWC until she can be returned to her herd in the wild. Returning the baby to her herd depends upon the group hearing her sounds and calls. TWC will record the baby’s sounds before going to the location where she was rescued. Our wildlife care specialists will then play the recording, in hopes the herd and her mom will come for their baby, and she can be reunited with her family.
If you would like to help patients like this little javelina, click this link to donate.
And, just a quick reminder … for all who might happen to shop online at Amazon, please shop through AmazonSmile and register Tucson Wildlife Center as your designated Charity. We appreciate it, as will all the wild animals in Southern Arizona!