At the end of March, Tucson Wildlife Center welcomed a pair of newborn orphaned bobcat kittens into rehabilitation. At first they had to be fed throughout the day before graduating to solid food.
These spotted cuties are very close to being introduced to their new mother, one of our foster bobcats living in sanctuary. Tucson Wildlife Center is home to four rescued bobcats living in sanctuary, two of which serve as foster mothers to rescued orphaned kittens. The fosters are two females named Ruby and Bisbee.
Before their rescue, Ruby and Bisbee were illegally taken from the wild as kittens to be raised as pets (separate incidents). Before they were rescued, Ruby became very ill and Bisbee was locked in a bathroom for 10 months. They are now safe and healthy, but are too habituated to humans to be released back to the wild. They live in sanctuary at Tucson Wildlife Center where they both nurture and raise baby bobcats.
Click here to read and sponsor the care of rescued wildlife living in sanctuary at Tucson Wildlife Center.
Click here to watch videos of these kittens growing up at Tucson Wildlife Center on our Facebook page!
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