In the world of raptors few if any can rival the the beauty of America’s smallest member of the Falcon family, the American kestrel.
Fierce and determined hunters, kestrels need open areas with a few trees for nest cavities in which to raise their young. Roadside fence posts, telephone poles and wires provide the perfect perches from which these skillful fliers hunt for insects, lizards and small birds.
Unfortunately these posts also place the kestrel in harms way and automobile strikes are their number one cause of injury and death.
In separate incidents two fortunate kestrels, a male and a female were rescued and brought to Tucson Wildlife Center for treatment and care after suffering neurological problems from head injuries leaving them unable to stand.
As they heal, their strength and agility is improving daily.
Together they share an outdoor aviary where they have room to fly and stretch their legs and wings, awaiting the day when they can with confidence rejoin their wild mates out in nature.