Tucson Wildlife Center Announces its 2025 Benefit, February 23, 2025! Absolutely one of Tucson’s best fundraisers. Please help Tucson’s Wildlife and show your support! For tickets, go to the purchase…

Tucson Wildlife Center Announces its 2025 Benefit, February 23, 2025! Absolutely one of Tucson’s best fundraisers. Please help Tucson’s Wildlife and show your support! For tickets, go to the purchase…
Tucson Wildlife Center Announces its 2025 Benefit, February 23, 2025! Absolutely one of Tucson’s best fundraisers. Please help Tucson’s Wildlife and show your support! For tickets, go to the purchase…
Gila Monster release When an injured wild animal is admitted to Tucson Wildlife Center, our wildlife care team performs a comprehensive exam and prioritizes the patient’s known injuries for treatment….
Win this beautiful 2017 Corvette Convertible and support TWC at the same time.Tucson Rotary Classic Car Show Raffle Please see instructions below to make sure Tucson Wildlife Center gets credit…
King Snake release Originally developed during World War II as a waterproof tape for sealing ammunition cases, duct tape has been used in a variety of ways ever since, including…
With a minimum $25 donation we will send you a complementary “KEEP TUCSON WILD” sticker as a thank you to show your support of Tucson Wildlife Center’s Mission of Rescue,…
Turkey Vulture This turkey vulture arrived at Tucson Wildlife Center QAR (Quiet, Alert, and Responsive), but extremely dehydrated and anemic. After an exam by our wildlife care team revealed no…
American Kestrel release Brought to Tucson Wildlife Center after being hit by a car, a radiograph confirmed a carpal fracture for this little falcon, an American kestrel. The carpals are…
Greater Roadrunner At Tucson Wildlife Center, our volunteers and staff wear many hats, always using their creativity and resourcefulness to ensure the best care for our wild patients. This Greater…
Juvenile Black-crowned Night Herons In wildlife rehabilitation, the term “conspecific” refers to individuals belonging to the same species. In practice, this term is important because conspecifics can sometimes be housed…
Bullock’s Oriole Release From suffering with fractured bones … to healthy and released, this Bullock’s oriole is an endearing example of defying the odds. Rescued from the jaws of a…
American Badger Rescue and Release Watch the video to see this week’s Patient of the Week, an American badger, go from trapped and frightened to free and grateful. After receiving…
Feeding Time at TWC At Tucson Wildlife Center, feeding times are a critical part of the day, requiring specialized techniques to ensure each patient receives the care and nutrition they…
Tucson Wildlife Center thanks everyone! Wednesday, we asked for donations to help us purchase Blood Testing Machines. Our goal was reached in one day. We are humbled. The machines are ordered. Thank you…
TWC’s Foster Parents Tucson Wildlife Center is dedicated to the rescue, emergency medical care and rehabilitation of injured, orphaned, and sick wildlife. While it is always our goal to release…
Baby Black-tailed Jackrabbit Desert cottontail or jackrabbit? Rabbit or hare? These were the questions at Tucson Wildlife Center this week. Found alone and on a sidewalk in an urban area,…
Pizza box owl gets released! A heartwarming moment unfolded recently as a great horned owl, that first arrived at Tucson Wildlife Center as a fledgling in a pizza box, was…
FIREWORKS PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT The Fourth of July has many traditions including parades, barbeques and firework displays. Before planning to celebrate with fireworks, Tucson Wildlife Center would like to remind…
Newborn Raccoon TWC would like to remind everyone of the importance of keeping your pets indoors or supervised when they are outside, especially during this time of year. It is…
Bullock’s Oriole Fledgling It is heartwarming to see this oriole fledgling feeling well enough to sing along with other young avian patients at Tucson Wildlife Center. After being rescued from…