American Kestrels
This small but mighty falcon, the American Kestrel, was, unfortunately, no match for the windshield of a golf cart. After the kestrel’s collision, he was brought to Tucson Wildlife Center where the wildlife care team treated him for head trauma. His first few days at the Center were tough ones and the medical staff were concerned.
Then the most amazing thing happened. A female kestrel was admitted to TWC with a broken wing … and both kestrels were depressed and lethargic. The wildlife care team decided to place their enclosures in the ICU where they were facing each other. Almost immediately, both birds started to improve, and the male kestrel is now spending time each day in an outdoor aviary, exercising and improving his balance before he is released. He still makes a mess of himself when he eats, but at least he is now eating on his own. When the female kestrel’s wing is healed, she will also begin to exercise in the flight aviary.
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