Everything is looking great for this little orphaned skunk. A Wilcox resident brought her to Tucson Wildlife Center after watching her alone in their yard for a time. She will be released back into the wild once capable of surviving on her own.
Skunks may have a bad reputation for their smelly spray, but they are also natural pest controllers! They tend to prey on rodents and insects and, when left alone, skunks are rarely seen in a neighborhood—happily living under the radar—foraging and hunting for food once the sun goes down.
Skunks are not aggressive animals and will give ample warnings before spraying. The hops, tail raising, and stomping this baby skunk exhibits in the video is the play version of the warning an adult skunk will give you before resorting to spraying. If you see any of these signs, stop and slowly back away, allowing the skunk to continue on his way. Keep pets inside at night and dogs on leashes.
Tucson Wildlife Center reminds you that baby skunks found without their mother aren’t necessarily orphaned or injured. Skunks are typically attentive parents who don’t leave their babies unattended for very long. If the kits are in a safe area, and appear uninjured, leave them alone through the night. In the morning, if they are still there and you still see no sign of mom, call TWC at 520-290-9435 for advice on what to do next.
Check out the video below the three pictures!
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