This nestling great horned owl was rescued by firefighters from the Sierra Vista Fire Department on the evening of May 10th during the San Rafael Fire. Firefighters were investigating an area of burning oaks when they spotted a small head poking out from a tree. The owlet launched himself from the tree as if to take flight, but quickly crashed into the ground, landing in a pile of hot ash.
The firefighting team contacted Tucson Wildlife Center who instructed them to take the owl to TWC vets at Civano Animal Hospital & Emergency Center for initial care and evaluation. Smokey, as he is referred to (he deserves more than an assigned number), arrived at TWC on Wednesday morning, May 11th.
We are happy to report Smokey is doing well. He is eating, drinking, and enjoying the water misters in his enclosure. Luckily, Smokey did not suffer any burns to his feet, however, the tips of his wings were singed and may take time to regrow so that he can fly silently and hunt. While we are hopeful Smokey will make a full recovery, it will take some time.
Stay tuned for progress reports!
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