With its oversized bill, thin neck, and big body, this brown pelican is a beautiful, social bird. Brought to Tucson Wildlife Center after being discovered on a sidewalk in Green Valley, this young bird was exhausted, underweight, and dehydrated. During the summer, young pelicans can get lost after losing sight of their parents on their first northern migration route. The strong monsoon winds blow them off course, from the ocean into the desert.
It is not uncommon to see white pelicans in Southern Arizona while they migrate. As fish eaters that forage in shallow water, they feel perfectly at home on our lakes, ponds, and reservoirs.
Brown pelicans, on the other hand, need our help. These birds stay near the oceans where they dive into salt water to grab their target fish. If you see a brown pelican in Southern Arizona, give TWC a call at 520-290-9453.
After dozens of fish and plenty of rest, this pelican will be transported back to the ocean.
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