The New Year has arrived, and with it, many of us will make New Year’s resolutions to better ourselves and our communities. During 2023, Tucson Wildlife Center would like you to consider including the health and well-being of local wildlife. To get you started, we have compiled a list of six practices that will help keep our wildlife safe. See our website, www.tucsonwildlife.com, for more details.
Drive Slowly and Cautiously: Wild animals and their babies are forced to cross roads in search of food, water, and shelter … placing them in the path of speeding vehicles. Always drive cautiously and slow down.
Supervise your Pets Outdoors: While your pet could harm a small wild animal, your cat or dog could also be injured by larger wildlife. The best approach is to limit chances for encounters by always supervising your pet when it is outdoors.
Protect Wild Birds from Window Strikes: Colliding with a window is one of the most common injuries in birds. Curtains, blinds, and applying decals on the outsides of windows are easy ways to reduce collisions.
Do not use Poison or Glue and Snap Traps to Kill Rodents: Poisons not only kill rats and mice but can kill wildlife. Additionally, glue and snap traps often ensnare and kill wild animals. The best way to keep rodents out of your house is by not allowing them a way to get in and using Havahart humane traps.
Protect Wildlife from your Pool: Swimming pools can pose a threat to many different animals. Check your pool multiple times a day for wildlife and have something on hand for rescue.
Clean up and Reduce Litter: Litter can have a serious impact on wildlife habitats and health. Reducing the use of single-use plastic items, like pre-packaged water bottles and grocery bags, is an easy way to reduce litter in wildlife habitats. Plastic six-pack rings and discarded fishing line are the worst offenders for TWC.
Caring for sick, injured, and orphaned wildlife requires specialists—employed or volunteering—and caring citizens. If you would like to aid TWC’s efforts, please consider volunteering by contacting hr@tucsonwildlife.com or making a donation by clicking this link https://donate-usa.keela.co/donation-form25.
And, just a reminder … for all who shop online at Amazon, please shop through AmazonSmile and register Tucson Wildlife Center as your designated Charity. We appreciate it, as will all the wild animals in our care!