Gray Hawk
This beautiful Gray Hawk is being treated at Tucson Wildlife Center after he collided with a car and was stuck in the grille. When a bird collides with a car and gets entangled in the grille, there can be head trauma, broken bones, and lacerations or worse. Luckily for this hawk, he suffered only a wound to his elbow and an injury to an old leg fracture.
We are happy to report that, after having his vet suture his wound and having a few days of cage rest, he is now standing and perching. We expect a full recovery and eventual release back to his resource rich territory.
A predominantly Mexican and South American species, a small number of Gray Hawks migrate to spend the spring and summer months in Southern Arizona. Fifteen years ago, there were only about 80 known nesting pairs in Southern Arizona. Through riparian conservation efforts, those numbers have increased to nearly 200 nesting pairs.
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