Danger of Snap Traps
Recently, Tucson Wildlife Center has seen an increase in wildlife partially trapped in snap traps meant to kill mice and rats. With large teeth and a powerful snap, these traps are meant to kill a rodent instantly. Unfortunately, that doesn’t always happen, and the dying process can take a long time while the animal is in extreme pain. Additionally, these traps often end up ensnaring pets or wildlife such as this Spotted Skunk who arrived at the Center with his right front paw caught. This little guy lived and was released. Most aren’t so lucky.
The best way to keep rodents out of your house is by not allowing them a way to get in. Any openings larger than a ¼-inch should be sealed to prevent mice and rats from entering. It is important to seal cracks in the foundation and around any openings where pipes and vents come into the house. Also, make sure all your doors and windows fit tightly.
Instead of snap traps, TWC recommends using safe and humane devices such as Havahart catch-and-release traps. For tips on using live traps, visit TWC’s website at https://tucsonwildlife.com/rescue-faq/ (How can I trap and release an animal humanely?).
If you find an animal that has been injured by a snap trap, do not attempt to remove the animal from the trap yourself. For the best chance of the animal’s survival, call Tucson Wildlife Center immediately. Medical treatment is almost always needed once a trap is removed.
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