This adorable spotted skunk came into Tucson Wildlife Center after being found caught in a rodent T-rex trap that had a hold of the animal’s right front paw. Upon arrival to TWC, he was released from the trap and, thankfully, no fractures were noted when looking at x-rays. However, this patient’s two middle digits were severely swollen and beginning to become necrotic. In order to make sure the necrosis didn’t begin to spread, our staff had to act fast to conduct surgery and amputate those two digits. This case is a perfect example for why we recommend to never use traps that could cause harm to any animal as the only traps that should ever be used are humane Havahart traps. Thankfully, research shows that skunks can thrive in the wild after losing two digits on a limb. After a successful surgery and some more time in rehab to recover, we are confident in releasing him in the near future. Currently, he is in one of our outdoor enclosures where he has plenty of space for mobility and we are excited to see him improve in the weeks ahead.
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