Round-tailed Ground Squirrel
This juvenile Round-tailed Ground Squirrel was brought to Tucson Wildlife Center after being caught by a cat and carried inside. She was very lucky not to have any open wounds, as cat bites and scratches can be deadly to small wildlife due to the bacteria they introduce. Although this little squirrel had mild fleas, her main issues were hypothermia, hypovolemia (decreased volume of blood circulating in body from severe dehydration), and severe emaciation.
While recovering in our care, she has spent much of her time gazing out the window behind her enclosure—perhaps longing for the open space she calls home. Fortunately, that “wish” will soon come true! In just a few days, she should be strong enough to be released back into the wild.
We encourage everyone to keep their pets indoors or supervised when outside. If you find an animal that has been caught by a cat, please call us for guidance. Even if it appears uninjured, it may still need medical attention.
If you would like to help patients like this Ground Squirrel, click this link to donate, https://give-usa.keela.co/twc-donation-form.
Another way you can contribute is to visit our “wish list” on Amazon by clicking on the Amazon Wish List button below. We appreciate it, as will all the wild animals in our care!

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