Red-tailed Hawk Release
Amidst cheers from faculty, staff and students, this Red-tailed Hawk soared back into the wild just in time to be “home for the holidays.” The hawk’s journey began at Salpointe Catholic High School, where the grounds crew discovered him entangled in a soccer goal. With great care, they cut away the netting to free the bird, but then noticed he was unable to fly. Concerned for his well-being, they contacted Tucson Wildlife Center, and a member of our rescue team promptly transported the hawk to the Center for evaluation.
Upon arrival, he was exhausted and had mild abrasions under his wings. After receiving treatment and recovering from his injuries, this resilient hawk proved ready to return to his home territory and to his mate who was waiting for him in a nearby tree. Watching him take flight was a heartwarming reminder of the collaborative effort that made his second chance possible.
Fun fact: Red-tailed hawks typically mate for life, forming a strong bond with their partner. These long-term partnerships are particularly beneficial for raising their young, as both parents play an active role in building the nest, incubating eggs, and hunting for food to feed the chicks.
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