Grasshopper Sparrow Update
At Tucson Wildlife Center, every wild animal we care for holds a special place in our hearts, but some cases stand out as true miracles of survival. One such story is that of this resilient little Grasshopper Sparrow, brought to us with severe head trauma and a burst eardrum. Against all the odds, this tiny bird has shown remarkable strength, reminding us why we do what we do.
The first photo was taken a month after the sparrow arrived at TWC and shows him (on right) with a twisted neck (torticollis)—a condition caused by his head trauma and burst eardrum. The visible torticollis highlights the seriousness of his initial injuries and challenges he faced upon intake. As Grasshopper Sparrows rely heavily on their hearing for detecting predators and navigating their environments, it was essential for our little patient to overcome his injuries before being released.
The second photo was taken this week (two months after intake) and highlights his extraordinary recovery, a testament to the sparrow’s strength and the quality of care provided by TWC’s wildlife care team. The ear plays a crucial role in balance, which is why the sparrow’s burst eardrum caused his head tilt. Fortunately, hearing loss in cases like this is almost always temporary. Long-term challenges with torticollis often result from constricted neck muscles. However, for a delicate patient like this sparrow, performing stretches under restraint would have been too stressful. Instead, his care team provided physical therapy through enrichment, such as putting peanut butter and seed under a leaf so he would have to move his neck to reach the treat.
Recently, the sparrow was moved to one of our outdoor aviaries to physically and mentally prepare for release. We are happy to share that our little patient is now self-correcting his head tilt and starting to fly. This progress gives us hope for his full recovery and eventual release!
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