Gray Fox
As a wildlife rescue and rehabilitation hospital, Tucson Wildlife Center cares deeply about the animals we personally rescue or are brought to us for care. Our hope for each of them is to be rehabilitated and released back into the wild. But sometimes their injuries or illnesses are fatal or so debilitating that they have little chance of survival and, in the meantime, are suffering greatly. In those cases, it is TWC’s responsibility to humanely euthanize them in a painless manner to prevent further suffering.
Early Sunday morning, the Center received a call about an injured animal. When our wildlife rescue team arrived at the location, they discovered a female Gray Fox suffering from multiple deep wounds, possibly inflicted upon her by a predator. After carefully transporting her to TWC, our wildlife care team examined and x-rayed her injuries, ultimately determining there was little chance of survival and no chance of a full recovery that would allow her to be released back to the wild. And, as the wounds did not look fresh, she had already been suffering for some time. Given this prognosis, the team made the difficult decision to humanely euthanize.
The Gray Fox typically weighs four to five pounds and is the only fox species TWC sees anymore. We used to admit a few Kit Foxes, but they have become rare. Found in canyons and wooded areas, the Gray Fox is the only member of the dog family with strong, hooked claws that enables them to climb trees, either to search for prey, sleep or to escape from predators.
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