American Kestrel Nestlings
These kestrel nestlings found themselves on an unexpected journey, when they were inadvertently transported within a truckload of hay. Upon arrival in Sonoita, the nestlings were discovered and brought to Tucson Wildlife Center for evaluation.
As nestlings rely heavily on their parents for regular feeding and protection from environmental elements, their trip could have ended in tragedy. Luckily both chicks arrived unharmed, and TWC’s wildlife care team is providing proper nutrition, hydration, and a controlled environment to stabilize these young falcons. Once old enough to survive on their own, these kestrels will be released back into the wild in a resource-rich area where other kestrels have been spotted.
Fun Fact: American kestrels typically nest in natural cavities, such as those found in trees or cliffs. Occasionally, they may nest in nooks in buildings or other man-made structures. It is not surprising that the parents of these nestlings chose hay bales as a practical nesting site. Hay bales often have gaps and cavities that mimic the natural cavities kestrels typically seek out in trees or cliffs … they were just not expecting their nest to be a mobile home! If you would like to help patients like these kestrel nestlings, click the button below.
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