Baby Season at Tucson Wildlife Center
From the gentle twitching noses of baby bunnies to the hungry chirping of sparrow nestlings, baby season has officially arrived at Tucson Wildlife Center! In one room of our “orphanage,” fluffy baby bunnies nestle together for warmth and security. Meanwhile, in another area, tiny baby sparrows eagerly await their next meal.
Our wildlife care team are working tirelessly to ensure that every baby receives the care and attention they need to thrive, while addressing various wildlife challenges like severe storms, too much or too little water, extreme temperatures, and nest disturbances. An early spring has brought us an influx of orphaned baby bunnies and birds. We are asking your help in preventing orphaning by taking a few simple steps:
Yard Inspection: Before mowing or doing yard work, carefully inspect the area for nests or young animals.
Pet Awareness: Keep pets indoors or supervised when they are outside, especially during nesting season.
Drive Cautiously: Be mindful of wildlife when driving. Watch for wildlife parents crossing the road with their young and fledgling birds learning to fly.
Secure Hazardous Areas: Cover open motor oil pans and regularly check swimming pools and filter baskets for trapped animals.
Renesting Assistance: If a nest has been disturbed or fallen, attempt to safely return it to its original location. If this is not possible, contact TWC for next steps.
Sick or Injured Baby Wildlife: If you find a baby animal in an unsafe location or if it appears sick or injured, call TWC for advice before intervening. Taking photos and making notes about what you are observing will help us determine next steps.
If you would like to help patients like these wildlife babies, please click the donate button below.
Another way you can contribute is to visit our “wish list” on Amazon by clicking on the Amazon Wish List button below. We appreciate it, as will all the wild animals in our care!